Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 79

Here’s the chapter for today, please take note that there is some sexy time at the bottom *points at title*

[edit] My ads got restricted by ad sense since 21st April and still haven’t return to normal. Banana added some ads from infolinks to compensate but not sure if it works or not since I’m the publisher. Please do tell me what ads you saw (from google or infolinks, you can ignore disqus one 😛)

Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 79”

Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 75

Whoops, it’s midnight now lol. Apparently translating and going out for grocery trips on the same day is not compatible 😛 but then I’m only free during the weekend _(;3/ Continue reading “Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe / 穿越之游兽部落 Chapter 75”

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